Woolly Mammals Farmsteadis dedicated to deliveringpremium-quality luxury fiberand raisingfiber animals of exceptional standards.
our farm specializes in breedingangora goats, cashmere goats, german angora rabbits, shetland sheep, cormo sheep, suri alpacas and huacaya alpacas,all renowned for theirexquisite fiber.
whether you're a fiber enthusiast, a crafter, or simply appreciate the beauty ofnatural fibers,our commitment toexcellenceensures that you'll find thefinest materialsatwoolly mammals farmstead. 🌾🐇🐑 🐐
Tag You’re It! 🪄🌟
Join Our Next Farm Tour! Meet these lively lambs, learn about their care, and immerse yourself in the farm lifestyle. Reserve your spot today and let these lambs show you their ways! 🌿
More information available at : https://www.woollymammals.com/farm-tours
At Woolly Mammals Farmstead, our weekend was bustling with activity! Three adorable lambs made their debut. Perla, our white Shetland, gave birth to a white ram lamb. We suspect the father is our incredibly soft Cormo. The anticipation is palpable as we eagerly await how his fleece will develop.
Pippa, our lovable companion, had a ewe lamb that mirrors her perfectly. Additionally, she birthed a ram lamb, mostly white in color. These little ones are a sight to behold!
Join us on our next scheduled farm tour on May 18th to meet these delightful lambs in person. Alternatively, reach out for a private session if you’d like an exclusive experience. We can’t wait to share their cuteness with you! 🐑🌿 book now at: www.woollymammals.com under the events tab.
After a day of determined pecking and wiggling, our little gosling finally emerged from its snug eggshell. With downy feathers ruffled and eyes blinking, it looked both triumphant and utterly exhausted. A hard day’s work indeed!
🌸 Springtime Joy! 🌸
We’re thrilled to announce that our farm has welcomed two adorable lambs into the world! 🐑🐑 These fluffy little bundles of joy were born just yesterday, and they’re already stealing hearts. 🥰
And guess what? It’s perfect timing because Easter is just around the corner! 🐣🌼 Join us this Saturday for our Easter Egg Hunt where you can meet these sweet lambs up close. 🐰🌷
See you at the Easter egg hunt! 🐣🌸
For more information please visit: https://www.woollymammals.com/easter-egg-hunt
#SpringtimeMagic #LambLove #EasterFun
: Event Date
Help Save Our Beloved Barn!
Dear Community,
Our historic red barn—the Last Barn Standing—is in desperate need of restoration. This weathered structure has witnessed generations of hard work, laughter, and dreams. Now, it’s our turn to preserve its legacy.🌟👩🌾
Why Donate?👷♂️🏗
1. Preserve History: The barn embodies our rural heritage. By restoring it, we honor the farmers who shaped our community.
2. Safety Matters: The sagging roof and weakened beams pose risks. Let’s ensure safety for visitors and future generations.
3. Community Unity: Join us in writing history. Every dollar counts!💸💗
How to Help?👭👫
Donate to our fundraising efforts by clicking the link below.
If you are passionate about preserving our historic red barn we’d love to hear from you! Whether you can offer hands-on assistance, provide valuable advice, or simply share words of encouragement, send us a message! your support matters! Together, let’s keep the Last Barn Standing tall for generations to come. 🌾🏚️
Donate at: https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/930ewi6X1x
Event Details:
📅 Date: Saturday, March 30th, 2024,
⏰ Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
📍 Location: 965 Laurel Valley Rd. Mars Hill, NC 28754
💲10 per person, 2 and under free.
* Easter Egg Hunt: 🥚🌟
* Barnyard Adventures:
* Baby Bunnies: 🐰❤️
* Chirpy Hatchlings:🐥🌱
* Interaction Area: with our sheep, goats and alpacas. 🦙🐑
* Story Time with an Easter Bunny: 🐇 📚
* Artistic Adventures: 🖍️Unleash your creativity! Get prepared to display your artistic talent! 🌟 🎨🖌️
* Fishing Derby: 🎣🌊
* Games: Numerous games will be accessible throughout the premises.
Tickets and More Information:
Visit our website for ticket prices and additional details: https://www.woollymammals.com/easter-egg-hunt
Bring your family and friends for a day filled with joy, laughter, and the magic of Easter! 🌸🌼🐣
life is too short to dry yarn conventionally. Next time someone asks, “Why is your car filled with yarn?” – just smile and say, “It’s my mobile yarn spa!” 🧶✨ #woollymammalsfarmstead #yarnlife #handspunartyarn
🎥 “Bunny Tales: A Whisker-Sized Adventure” Coming soon to a meadow near you! 🌼🐰🎬
🐤🪽there you are, caught in a moment of avian betrayal🙅. Your finger, 👉 once a beacon of goodwill, 🕊️ now bears the mark of the guinea hen’s disapproval🫸. It’s like a tiny, feathery critic saying, “Your friendship? Not finger-lickin’ good! 🐤🪶🥚
🦙 🏅 we had a successful weekend at the Carolina alpaca celebration and parade. 🎖️ Pegi one of our eldest alpacas came home with 3 gold ribbons. 🏆 she may be old but she’s still got it! 🥇 🦙
❄️ ☃️ I spy 🔎👀
Scrunchie helping me needle felt Saturn 🪐
Snood Dog acts like a big man until you turn around and face him. 🙄
*note to self: don’t wear blue during mating season*
Sneak peak of our latest project
The sheep are hard at work showing off the merch
Penny, our pleasantly plump Angora goat is trying to steal milk from a baby.
☔️ Waiting out the storm ⛈️
barn mediator: Nigerian dwarfs vs. Cashmere kids
My Polish posse
Softy the Cormo is fitting in nicely with our Shetland gals. Looking forward to some super fine Shetland/Cormo crosses next spring
☀️ Basking in the sun ☀️
I wish I could always come home to a box full of chicks!
I learned so much at SAFF this year! I have some new novelty yarn ideas as well as some felting ideas. Check back soon to check them out!
Tess had so much fun showing Samson “Sam” the Ram and our new bucks at SAFF. This was her first time in the show arena, we are so proud of her! She learned a lot about showmanship and qualities the judges are looking for. We hope to keep improving with every show. One of our new angora bucks won 2nd place for the yearling buck division! He is a white goat competing in a colored competition, so him winning 2nd is huge! I see great things in his future.
Sometimes you have to flip a ram to show it who’s boss. 🤠🫸🐏
It appears that Pleti (our new Shetland ewe) isn’t a fan of men…. Or people for that matter. 😆
Our new Shetland ewe, Pippa, is so fluffy!! She is the sweetest girl I’ve ever met. 🐑
Meet Pippa, Pleti and Samson, Woolly Mammal’s first Shetland sheep and our first male livestock! Pippa is a joy to interact with, she loves to be pet and loved on. Pleti is not so sure about us yet. Samson is a sweet heart, but he is a young ram with a lot of testosterone ahead of him. His fleece is super fine and wonderful! We are hoping to have spring babies!
Momma and baby bonding time. So sweet 🥹 what a good momma.
First few steps, she will nail it next time!
A little confusion between alpacas 😳🤦♀️
Good job mama! Pumpkin is beautiful, she’s still figuring out her surroundings.
Pumpkin is all legs! 🦙
Sibling rivalry translates in every species 🤫🤭
Whoops! 😅
Cuteness overload! Pumpkin’s glamour shots
We appologize for not posting in a while, We had a really busy difficult month with health issues on the farm. Where there is darkness there is always light…Meet Pumpkin, our first alpaca born at Woolly Mammals Farmstead! We were told that her mother Peggi, was not pregnant so it was a complete surprise! We are thankful that Peggi has been an excellent mother. She birthed pumpkin on august 21st without any issues and has been so loving and protective. Pumpkin’s sister Papaya, is beyond excited dancing all over the pasture! Both momma and baby are doing well. More pictures to come!
The babies are getting their first shave. They did so well!
🌺 Breaking news! There is a new flower called the tuna habiscus! Our farmstead is lucky enough for it to grace us with its presence, for everyone far and near to bask in its scent. 🌺 🤢
The quail are hatching!
Capone’s first day on the job! So far he would much rather be cuddled inside by humans and chase the goats rather than protect them. He’s got a lot to learn! Bonnie will whip him into shape in no time. We are so proud of our maremma workin’ boy!
We had a welcomed visitor on the farm this morning
The bees are cooling themselves off in this hot weather we’ve been having.
Quail are now a part of Woolly Mammals farm. Can’t wait to try some quail eggs!
Woolly Mammals Farm wishes everyone a delightful and safe Independence Day. 🦅 🦅🦅
Meet the twins: Portia and Paloma with their mother Pauline, in the first picture. Pixie with her mother Phyllis in the second picture, and Princess in the third picture. 🥰
Say hello to Woolly Mammal’s newest angora goats 🐐 💕
These angora goats will beat you at a staring contest hands down! 👁️👁️
Good morning from the turkeys at Woolly Mammals Farmstead
Our new goat is broken, I hope we can return it since it’s defective 🤭
The grass is always greener
First day letting the eldest babies free to roam without a fence. They were very curious.
Baby thinks he’s hiding. He didnt feel like being groomed today.
These adorable fluffy German angora kits are ready to find their forever home. ❤️
*angora rabbits need to be brushed weekly, sheared every 2-3 months and exercised daily. They are also larger rabbits and will need a cage/hutch that will fit them appropriately. They also can be litter box trained. PM for details, more than happy to hand hold and answer questions!
Up close and personal
Meet one of Woolly Mammals newest member. We have 7 new polish chickens with big beautiful crests. Our Silkie chickens are welcoming them to the flock
The polish chickens are excited about their new home
Raisin bun on his walk saying hi to the muscovy duck babies. He’s our largest boy 🥰
This egg has a lot to say
First chicks hatched out of the Woolly Mammals incubator! These two are silkies, the next to hatch are Guinea hens.
Snowball enjoying the abundance of buttercups on Woolly Mammals Farmstead
Snowball, woollymammals big beautiful red eyed white German angora rabbit on her walkabout
Happy Mother’s Day to all the momma mammals out there! Human or animal one thing stands: there’s someone that cherishes all the support and love you give them every day. Moms are super hero’s, Strong and protective. Keep up the good work, the world would be in shambles without you!
Teaching them young
The hills
Where it all began
A boy and his goats
Our morning view
Polly always finds a way to get the grass on the other side of the fence.
The paca van
Lucy has to antagonize the dogs every morning before she can start her day
Meet Papaya our suri cria and her mom Peggi
Neon collection
Everyone eating in harmony. Very peaceful
The muscovy dance
We love our farm land
We have a mouthy one!
Poppy giving her kids a bath
Our turkeys arrived!
Penny never refuses food, especially the flower kind
Poppy and her 3 kids. They are starting to get used to being handled.
Our polish chicks have arrived 🐣
The kits when they were only a few days old. They looked like tiny hippos 🦛
Airing out the alpaca fleece and getting rid of all the dust.
The kits on their play date
Momma rabbit is about ready to have her hutch to her self again 😅
Cuddle time with the kits
Kids being kids
Beautiful Nanny kid still available. She has the best personality! She is very curious and friendly. Unlike her brothers, she usually stays out of mischief. PM with questions.
Poppy our Nigerian dwarf goat after birthing 3 healthy kids (two Billy’s and a nanny). This was her first pregnancy. We are so proud of her! She instantly knew what she was doing. 🥰
These beautiful fluffy baby German Angora rabbits are ready to find their new home! PM for details
First attempt making roving, spinning and dying. It’s getting better every practice session! My favorite is bulky art yarn in jewel or neon tones. I also enjoy the natural, minimally processed yarn. My specialty is roving, keep your eyes open for new products! (Pictures not for sale, they are experimental to better future products.)
Feeding frenzy
🪿The many happy smiling faces that great us when we get home 😅
🐰 Looks like a bad hair day! I’m combing rabbit fiber into comb top. It is soft as a cloud ☁️
Poppy our Nigerian dwarf goat’s three kids playing with our three kids 😚